Case Law Library

State of San Andreas vs. Barbie Knight-Schmidt


Case Information

Case Type: Criminal - Misdemeanor [Not Guilty]
Court Type: District Court
Case Status: Closed - Plea Change
Docket Number: 2024-CM-001
Plaintiff: State of San Andreas
Plaintiff Attorney:
Respondent: Barbie Knight-Schmidt
Respondent Attorney: Celeste Bishop, Doc Hilliard,
Presiding Judge(s): Adrian Jax,
Docket Link:
Portal Link (Judicial Staff Only):

Case Dates

Case Submission Date: 12-31-2023 12:00 AM
Arraignment Date(s): 12-31-2023 12:00 AM

Case Summary

In a due process hearing, Barbie Knight-Schmidt pled guilty to one count of Public Intoxication and one count of Disturbing the Peace and Disorderly Conduct. She received a sentence of time served, after approximately 24 hours in custody, and was fined $550.00. The hearing was conducted with the involvement of Lieutenant Charlee Frost, Prosecutor Celeste Bishop, and Senior Prosecutor Doc Hilliard.

Statement of Facts

LSPD Report

Officer(s) Involved:
[254] J. Lombardi
[262] M. Greer

Other(s) Involved:

Suspect(s) Involved:
Barbie Knight-Schmidt

Location, Date/Time(s):
Innocence Blvd Motel, December 31st, 2023 at 01:40 EST

Vehicle(s) Used:

Identified How?
Fingerprint and PID by Snr Officer Lombardi and Officer Greer

Debrief: On December 31st, 2023 at approximately 01:40 EST, Snr Officer Lombardi and Officer Greer were at the motel on Innocence blvd when they were approached by Barbie Knight-Schmidt. Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt climbed on top of Officer Lombardi’s Alamo and stomped the front windshield in. Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt smelled of alcohol while Officers were dealing with her. Snr Officer Lombardi and Officer Greer got Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt into their vehicle to transport her to Pillbox Medical for treatment for her clear intoxication.

Officers arrived at Pillbox Medical with Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt and admitted her with Doctor Zellig. Officer Greer was called away while Doctor Zellig looked her over for minor injuries. Doctor Zellig advised officers he couldn’t hold her. Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt was being released from Pillbox Medical when she struck Officer Lombardi once in the face. Officer Lombardi hit her back once to try and stop her, giving her a single order to stop as she was going to be under arrest. Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt struck Officer Lombardi once more and fled from Pillbox Medical. Officer Lombardi pursued Mrs Schmidt and she was tased twice before being placed in cuffs.

Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt was brought back to pillbox medical for taser prong removal where she was advised of her rights and searched for contraband. Officer Lombardi seized a small baggie with cocaine residue as well as holding her firearm and crowbar for officer safety. Officer Lombardi transported Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt to VPD where she was fingerprinted and identified as Barbie Knight-Schmidt, breathalyzed blowing a .223, and brought to her cell. Mrs Barbie Knight-Schmidt was advised that she would be held at BBP until she sobered up and was able to plead as well as advised of her charges.

Joseph Lombardi
Senior Officer, Los Santos Police Department

Judicial Ruling


A due process hearing has occurred for this matter, and a decision was reached.

Please note that this was due to the circumstances of Processing Ultimatum; thus, the San Andreas Courts are still closed until January 3rd, 2024.


Today, January 1st 2024, I was contacted by Lieutenant Charlee Frost on behalf of Miss Barbie Knight-Schmidt in order to request an Arraignment Hearing. Myself, Lieutenant Charlee Frost, Prosecutor Celeste Bishop, and Senior Prosecutor Doc Hilliard met with Barbie Knight-Schmidt at the Vinewood Police Department. Miss Knight-Schmidt had a drug screen performed willingly, and was not found to be intoxicated any longer in any manner.

Barbie Knight-Schmidt pled GUILTY to the charge of 1x Public Intoxication and 1x Disturbing the Peace and Disorderly Conduct. Miss Knight-Schmidt was given time served, due to spending around 24 hours in custody, and received a fine of $550.00.


Guilty of:
1x Disturbing the Peace and Disorderly Conduct
1x Public Intoxication


Time Served
$550.00 Fine